Enhancing our building
In addition to being a distinguished events venue, St Saviourgate York’s business remit also extends to enhancing our beautiful building. Our business responsibility is to put all the profits raised via conferences and events back into the building to repair and enhance the space, support our tenants, and raise money for charitable causes.
We are committed to being commercial, service-minded, generous, ethical, and tolerant in all our day-to-day business operations. In keeping with this, we strive to maintain five core values: to be commercial, service-minded, generous, ethical, and tolerant in everything we do.
We demonstrate our commitment being COMMERCIAL by:
- Having long term plans and building long term relationships
- Offering terms which are firm, but fair
- Satisfying profit objectives, and making the most of every penny
- Earning our profit by delivering great value and service – no quick bucks
- Being professional
- Finding and developing new opportunities
- We demonstrate our commitment being SERVICE MINDED by:
- Empowering and enabling our staff
- Listening, and understanding the needs of others
- Trying hard to ensure that everyone’s experience is a good one
- Offering before we are asked
- Having a ‘can-do’ attitude
- Acting responsibly towards our staff, partners and asset
- We demonstrate our commitment to being GENEROUS by:
- Giving all our profits to the Methodist Church – being a social enterprise
- Giving as much discount to charities and churches as we can
- Creating products and services which are never insufficient, nor feel cheap
- Being equitable
- Sharing ideas and lending a hand
- Valuing and training our staff
We demonstrate our commitment to being ETHICAL by:
- Reflecting the ideals of the historic church building that we have the privilege to occupy
- Being honest in communication
- Having transparency and consistency in what we offer
- Reducing, reusing and recycling
- Using fair traded products, and sourcing local and sustainable produce where possible
- Being a London Living Wage Employer
- Encouraging our suppliers to trade ethically
- We demonstrate our commitment to being TOLERANT by:
- Being hospitable, inclusive, and embracing differences
- Welcoming wisdom from others
- Listening, empathising and seeking to understand
- Treating each other the way we would like to be treated
- Being patient and constructive in difficult moments